Paul Redeker

Tents & Events

Tents and other supplies

Interior of 20’ x 30’ frame tent with white samsonite chairs




Paul Redeker Rental Co proudly serves these towns in Franklin County, Massachusetts: Ashfield; Bernardston; Buckland; Charlemont; Colrain; Conway; Deerfield; and South Deerfield; Erving; Gill; Greenfield; Hawley; Heath; Leverett; Leyden; Monroe; Montague, including Lake Pleasant, Millers Falls, Montague Center, Montague City, and Turners Falls; New Salem; Northfield; Orange; Rowe; Shelburne Falls; Shutesbury; Sunderland; Warwick; Wendell; Whately.

Paul Redeker Rental Co serves these towns in Hampshire County, Massachusetts: Amherst Center; Cushman; North Amherst; South Amherst; Belchertown; Chesterfield; Cummington; Easthampton; ; Goshen; Granby; Hadley; Hatfield; HaydenvilleHuntington, Northampton, including Leeds and Florence; Pelham; Plainfield; Prescott; South Hadley; Southampton; Ware; Westhampton; Williamsburg and Haydenville; Worthington, Westfield, West Springfield, Springfield

Paul Redeker Rental Co also serves the Five Colleges of Western Massachusetts: Amherst College, Amherst; Hampshire College, Amherst; Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley; Smith College, Northampton; University of Massachusetts Amherst.

Paul Redeker Rental Co also serves southern Vermont including Brattleboro,vt, Dover,VT, Marlboro,Vt, Guilford,Vt

Paul Redker Rental Co services New Ipswich, NH Jaffrey,Nh, Rindge,NH Greenville,NH Troy,NH Fitzwilliam,NH Richmond,NH WInchester,NH and Hinsdale,NH

Paul Redeker Rental Co also serves Holyoke, Springfield, West Springfield, Ludlow, Agawam, Longmeadow, Westfield,Ma